Back to S-C-H-O-O-L ! ! !
Excuse me while I laugh maniacally, clap my hands in glee and dance around the house like a madwoman. Today is back to school! Yay! The kids couldn't go out or run around like banshees because it's just been tooooooo hot and humid.
The Oompa Loompas were fighting and whining so much I truly thought I'd lose my mind. Now!! They're on the bus on their way to school! YAY!!! What am I going to do? It's all so mind-boggling I can't decide!
Work on some doll patterns? Find a new source for poly fiber stuffing? Sleep? Work for the Eeeehhhvahhhllll Queen? Plan out art projects for the leetle cheeldren at the kid's school? Go grocery shopping? Yes. I'm even willing to do the most hated kind of shopping of all - grocery shopping!
Should I knock on the neighbor's doors and then when they open up screech like a crazy person on crack looking for their next fix that school has started again, kiss them and then run off to the next house? (Of course while I'm yanking my hair out and tearing at my clothes!) The options are endless!!
The Oompa Loompas were fighting and whining so much I truly thought I'd lose my mind. Now!! They're on the bus on their way to school! YAY!!! What am I going to do? It's all so mind-boggling I can't decide!
Work on some doll patterns? Find a new source for poly fiber stuffing? Sleep? Work for the Eeeehhhvahhhllll Queen? Plan out art projects for the leetle cheeldren at the kid's school? Go grocery shopping? Yes. I'm even willing to do the most hated kind of shopping of all - grocery shopping!
Should I knock on the neighbor's doors and then when they open up screech like a crazy person on crack looking for their next fix that school has started again, kiss them and then run off to the next house? (Of course while I'm yanking my hair out and tearing at my clothes!) The options are endless!!
1 whispers & gasps:
To quote Mr. Rodgers..."Won't you be MY neighbor?"
Mahahahahahahaa!!!! Freedom!
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